Sending E-Mails

The NucleosProfileBundle has built-in support for sending emails in two different instances.

Registration Confirmation

The first is when a new user registers and the bundle is configured to require email confirmation before the user registration is complete. The email that is sent to the new user contains a link that, when visited, will verify the registration and enable the user account.

Requiring email confirmation for a new account is turned off by default. To enable it, update your configuration as follows:

# config/packages/nucleos_profile.yaml
            enabled: true

Default Mailer Implementations

The bundle comes with three mailer implementations. They are listed below by service id:

  • nucleos_profile.mailer.simple is the default implementation, and uses symfony mailer to send emails.

  • nucleos_profile.mailer.noop is a mailer implementation which performs no operation, so no emails are sent.

Configuring the Sender Email Address

The NucleosProfileBundle default mailer allows you to configure the sender email address of the emails sent out by the bundle.

To configure the sender email address for registration emails sent out by the bundle, update your nucleos_profile config as follows:

# config/packages/nucleos_profile.yaml
    # ...

Using A Custom Mailer

The default mailer service used by NucleosProfileBundle relies on the symfony mailer library to send mail. If you would like to use a different library to send emails or change the content of the email you may do so by defining your own service.

First you must create a new class which implements Nucleos\UserBundle\Mailer\MailerInterface which is listed below:

namespace Nucleos\UserBundle\Mailer;

use Nucleos\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface;

interface MailerInterface

     * Send an email to a user to confirm the password reset
     * @param UserInterface $user
    function sendConfirmationEmailMessage(UserInterface $user): void;

After you have implemented your custom mailer class and defined it as a service, you must update your bundle configuration so that NucleosProfileBundle will use it. Set the mailer configuration parameter under the service section. An example is listed below.

# config/packages/nucleos_profile.yaml
    # ...
        mailer: app.custom_nucleos_profile_mailer